Top 5 Things Open AI CEO Sam Altman Told Us Lawmakers


Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and the creator of ChatGPT said the top 5 things to US Congress

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and the creator of ChatGPT said the top 5 things US Congress that he is concerned that AI would inflict major harm to the world. During a hearing before US lawmakers, Altman asked for AI regulation in the aftermath of his amazing invention ChatGPT, which stunned the tech world. Despite profound political disagreements that have stalled legislation to regulate the internet, he pushed Congress to put new limits on Big Tech.

Here are the 5 most important things Altman stated at the hearing:

  1. Atlman, who has become the worldwide face of AI, has warned that although the technology has the ability to enhance practically every area of people’s lives, it also poses significant threats. According to the tech executive, generative AI will answer some of humanity’s most pressing issues, such as climate change and cancer treatment.
  2. Speaking on the risk of misinformation, Altman emphasized the importance of government regulatory action, which he believes will be important in mitigating the hazards of such stronger models, according to AFP.
  3. The CEO of OpenAI also advised that the Biden administration thinks about licensing and testing restrictions before releasing strong AI models. It includes the authority to cancel permits if regulations are breached.
  4. According to the AFP story, Altman advocated for labelling and worldwide cooperation to establish technological laws, as well as the establishment of a specific US agency to manage AI.
  5. The growing popularity of AI and its tools has sparked concern about potential job losses. During the hearing, Altman emphasized labour market disruption as one of his greatest fears. While urging Congress to address the issue, the OpenAI CEO stated that AI will be adept at chores rather than employment. He also stated that artificial intelligence has the ability to produce higher-quality jobs.

The post Top 5 Things Open AI CEO Sam Altman Told Us Lawmakers appeared first on Analytics Insight.

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