Top 10 Tips for Taking Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level

Top 10 Tips for Taking Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level

The top 10 tips for taking your ChatGPT prompts to the next level are enlisted below

AI is now accessible to the general public because of tools like CHATGPT. These days, we may ask questions and receive answers on just about any subject. These bots are capable of creating sonnets, code, philosophy, and other things.

While you can just enter anything into ChatGPT and have it understand you, there are methods to encourage the bot to provide more intriguing and helpful results. This “prompt engineering” is evolving into a distinct profession.

We’ve given numerous examples below, but often all it takes is the addition of a few more words or an extra line of command to generate ChatGPT replies that are a level beyond what everyone else is seeing.

We tried the following prompts using GPT-4 for the sake of this guide: The most recent ChatGPT version at the time of writing, however only a few people have access to it. But, they ought to function flawlessly with earlier ChatGPT versions as well.

  1. Get Your Answers in Tabular Form

You can ask ChatGPT for replies in the form of a table. This is very useful for coming up with original ideas or information. For instance, you may include suggestions for meals and their ingredients, suggestions for games and their components, or the names of the days of the week in several languages.

You may instruct ChatGPT to alter the tables it has created and even to produce them in a standard format that another computer can understand by using follow-up prompts using plain language (such as Microsoft Excel).

  1. Set Limits on the Answers You Get

Don’t be afraid to instruct ChatGPT to limit its replies to a specific number of words or paragraphs since when given constraints to operate within, the bot may truly wow.

It might be anything from asking questions with replies of seven characters or fewer to compressing material from four paragraphs into one (just to keep it simple). You can correct ChatGPT if it doesn’t correctly follow your replies and it will attempt again.

  1. Keep Your Audience in Mind

Telling ChatGPT who its audience is is another approach to alter how it replies to you. This functions similarly to the films you may have seen when complicated concepts are conveyed to people with various degrees of knowledge.

For instance, you may instruct ChatGPT to respond differently depending on whether you are chatting with a group of 10-year-olds or a group of business owners. For producing several outputs with the same subject, it works effectively.

  1. Produce Prompts for Other AI Engines

The more exact and detailed you may be about what you’re searching for when it comes to creating prompts: You may instruct the chatbot to make your words longer and more detailed, to role-play as a prompt generator for a certain AI tool, and to grow more precise with its responses as you provide more and more details.

  1. Copy and Paste Text from Other Sources

Using ChatGPT, you don’t have to type anything yourself. It’s okay to paste content from other sources and copy and paste is your buddy. While there is a 4,000-word maximum input restriction, you may simply break up your content into smaller chunks and have the bot remember what you’ve already stated.

  1. Provide Examples to Work With

Giving ChatGPT some information to work with before you ask your inquiry is another approach to enhance the replies you receive from it. You might, for instance, offer it a list of book summaries and their corresponding genres, then ask it to assign the appropriate genre to a fresh synopsis. Another choice is to share your favorite hobbies with ChatGPT to receive news suggestions.

  1. Act Out a Role-Play

In the same way that ChatGPT can imitate the writing style of specific authors that it is aware of, it can also take on different personas, such as a frustrated salesperson, an animated teenager (you’ll probably get a lot of emojis and abbreviations in return), or John Wayne, the legendary Western actor. There are practically no limits to the kinds of roles you may experiment with. These questions may not have many practical uses, but they do provide some helpful information on the possibilities of these AI chatbots.

  1. Get Answers That Are More Than the Sum of Their Parts

In the same way that ChatGPT can imitate the writing style of specific authors that it is aware of, it can also take on different personas, such as a frustrated salesperson, an animated teenager (you’ll probably get a lot of emojis and abbreviations in return), or John Wayne, the legendary Western actor. There are practically no limits to the kinds of roles you may experiment with. These questions may not have many practical uses, but they do provide some helpful information on the possibilities of these AI chatbots.

  1. Hear Both Sides of a Debate

Use the assistance of ChatGPT to provide some grey between the black and white as binary debates have probably become more common online in recent years. If you want it to, it can present both the advantages and disadvantages of a position. ChatGPT can sit on the fence fairly successfully when it comes to politics, philosophy, sports, and the arts—not in a hazy manner, but in a way that can help you comprehend problems from several angles.

  1. Get Your Outputs in the Form of ASCII Art

The standard ChatGPT guidelines remain in effect: the more descriptive you can be, the better, and you may ask the bot to add or remove aspects as you go. But, keep in mind that this isn’t a full-fledged picture editor—remember the restrictions of the ASCII art format.

The post Top 10 Tips for Taking Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level appeared first on Analytics Insight.

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