On the surface, random number generation (RNG) seems like a simple premise. Yet in the realm of computing, a world of patterns and programming exists that goes entirely against this concept. Thus, getting computers to create truly random patterns has been a long process, but one at which we have now become successful. Below, we discuss the history and importance of random number generation to computing and AI.
The History of RNG
The first foray into computerized RNG came during the second world war from Great Britain’s Bletchley Park code-breaking team. They managed to create a system that would generate numbers for the premium bond lottery. This was then taken further and an RNG was added to a computer, the Ferranti Mark 1. Like a fifties version of ChatGPT, it was used to write a love poem.
However, the problem with this was that the numbers were actually too random. This made it impossible to test in any discernible way. Thus, the quest began for a pseudo-random number generator. Known as a PRNG, this can deliver a random sequence of numbers at any time. Yet when given a seed value, it will always create the same results. However, even this was not foolproof as it eventually started to produce the same cycles of numbers, which was undesirable.
The Digital Age
The next real push forward with RNG technology came with the advent of the commercial internet. People needed random number generation for a multitude of purposes, ranging from rotating banner ads to encrypting SSL certificates. Both Silicon Valley and innovators in the Far East began a period of research and development into a range of products, some of which even used webcams trained on lava lamps to generate data.
Due to the successful implementation of random number generators, whole industries have flourished that are entirely dependent on them. Websites will even explain how random numbers are, even when explaining strategies you can use for gambling. When you log on to play a Vegas online casino, the whole premise of the games on the website is dependent on random number generation. This can be through the symbols that appear in many slot games or the cards that are dealt in table games. Their randomness is even checked by third parties to ensure fair play, thus highlighting the usefulness of an effective PRNG.
AI and RNG
Of course, the importance of random number generation for AI is easy to see. AI functions using algorithms and patterns, but for a truly human side to emerge, it must be able to embrace randomness. This will be the point where it can access real creativity, not bound by the constraints of pre-existing images or samples. Being random is a human trait, and if AI can generate numbers randomly, then it should soon be able to do it with other elements: Mainly thought.
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