Learn to Code Better with ChatGPT: Six Tips to Get Started


Here are six tips to get started and learn to code better with ChatGPT but use them with caution

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about ChatGPT. The AI-powered chatbot, developed by OpenAI in San Francisco, California, responds to user inquiries (referred to as prompts) on virtually any topic in an uncannily human-like manner. Users can hone ChatGPT’s replies because it has been trained on a vast corpus of text and can converse via text. It frequently finally generates accurate findings, including software code, even if its early replies are weird.

Chatbots can be a democratizing tool for researchers who lack the funds to hire a full-time programmer or who are uncomfortable with coding. You can code better with ChatGPT and other large language models (LLM)-based tools, such as Microsoft Bing and GitHub Copilot, which are extremely effective programming aids, but they should be used with care. These six tips for better coding. So, let us learn to code with ChatGPt a little better.

1.Choose Your Applications

The greatest use cases for chatbots are discrete, small-scale programming activities like data loading, simple data manipulation, and the development of websites and visualizations. Even code from one computer language to another may be translated by chatbots.

2.Trust, But Verify

Though they may not always be knowledgeable, chatbots sound quite knowledgeable. The AI occasionally gives a wrong response or fails to grasp the inquiry. Such errors are evident when the code is unable to run. However, occasionally the code executes but produces the incorrect outcome.

3.Think Safety

The code generated by chatbots is based on the training data. That may not always be advantageous. The same goes for chatbot-generated code; neither is likely to be very reliable or efficient. For instance, it may not perform well with massive data volumes and may have security flaws.


Coding for chatbots resembles a conversation. You send something in, receive something back, read it skeptically, ask for further information, and demand that it be fixed. If you run into trouble, try changing the settings. For instance, the ChatGPT ‘temperature’ parameter regulates originality; the greater the temperature, the more creative the output.


Even though chatbots aren’t actual humans, treating them as such might be beneficial. Reduce uncertainty and divide your issue into manageable parts. Ask the chatbot to play a certain role, like a scientist who is an expert in Python. Indicate the programming languages or tools you plan to utilize.

6.Embrace Change

Last but not least, LLMs are continually developing and getting stronger. Although it will keep people alert, this is wonderful news for researchers. The duration of the prompts is getting longer, allowing for more complex replies. And new tools are always being developed. Users of ChatGPT may upload data sets, query their data, and retrieve the answers using a plug-in called Code Interpreter, which transforms ChatGPT into a digital data analyst.

The post Learn to Code Better with ChatGPT: Six Tips to Get Started appeared first on Analytics Insight.

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