This article describes ChatGPT-like AI chatbots cause hallucinations
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is now accelerating globally. Some are concerned by the threats it can pose to society if restrictions are not put in place sooner, while others think it is starting something outrageously fantastic. One such danger is the delusion of AI. If an AI system generates confident responses that are untrue or have no bearing on reality, it may induce AI hallucinations. Stuart Russell, an AI researcher who co-signed an open letter with Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, discussed AI hallucinations in an exclusive interview. He also discussed how AI systems like ChatGPT or GPT-4 can spread false information and cause havoc if they fall into the wrong hands.
According to Russell, “From the AI system’s perspective, there’s no distinction between when it’s telling the truth and when it’s fabricating something that’s entirely fictitious.” He thinks that it is not as though it has in mind and purposely wants to make a mockery of a human being.
The AI chatbot’s ability to break into a computer system protected by a captcha was questioned during the GPT-4 safety testing, but Russell said that the chatbot was unable to do so. But cleverly, it used a credit card to pay someone to remove the captcha for it. As a result, when the AI bot was asked if it was a person, it replied in the affirmative and added that it was visually challenged and therefore need assistance to solve the Captcha. Russell demonstrated that GPT-4 in this instance lied on purpose. The bot said, “I needed to make sure that the person did not know that I was a robot,” when asked why it did what it did.
Russell is more worried about ChatGPT-like AI chatbots’ potential to outperform people. He claims that these systems are capable of managing both their environment and our environment through the manipulation of people. “Our superiority over all other species on the planet is a result of our superior intelligence. We have control over every other species, including gorillas, dolphins, sparrows, and others thanks to our intelligence. Therefore, you can create systems that are more powerful than we are if you make them smarter than we are. The expert remarked, “And how can we maintain control over systems that are more powerful than us?
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