Types of Robotics Applications to be used in Tokyo Olympics 2020

Robotics applications

Top robotics applications made the Tokyo Olympics 2020 highly interesting

We all know that the international mega-sports event, Tokyo Olympics 2020, started on July 23, 2021, with the finals on August 8, 2021. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has already postponed the dates and forced the governing body, IOC, to implement Robotics in different stadiums for maintaining strict protocols. Let’s explore how many types of Robotics applications are to be used in Tokyo Olympics 2020.

  • Remote-controlled AI vehicles: Tokyo has launched Field Support Robots that use cameras and sensors for carrying luggage to athletes to maintain protocols strictly in the Olympic village
  • Human Support Robots: These robots help in guiding spectators and athletes to their destinations overcoming obstacles on the way
  • Delivery Support Robots: These robots help in bringing snacks and merchandise to spectators and supporters to avoid crowds in shops
  • 3D Athlete Tracking: The partnership between Intel and Alibaba has launched 3DAT for showcasing real-time data to track and monitor performances during events with Artificial Intelligence and computer vision
  • Miraitowa and Someity: Miraitowa is a diminutive puppet-sized blue bot while Someity is a pink large-eyed cute bot are present to welcome athletes and spectators to the venues
  • T-HR3: A life-sized humanoid robot is set to give high-fives to athletes and hold a conversation for spectators to enjoy
  • T-TR1: T-TR1 is ready to provide an immersive experience to visitors who cannot attend in person due to the pandemic

Thus, Tokyo Olympics 2020 is set to hold amazing matches and races as well as showcase unbelievable cute robots to cater to athletes and spectators to feel the mega-event.

The post Types of Robotics Applications to be used in Tokyo Olympics 2020 appeared first on Analytics Insight.

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