Stop By and Look for Some Robotics Project Ideas to Kick Start your Career

Robotics project ideas

These robotics project ideas for engineering students will be helpful while doing the practice

Nowadays, several engineering students are showing a lot of interest in robotic projects. They create a lot of interest as compared to other electronics projects. At the education level, these projects on robotics are very popular, they are line-following robots, pick and place robot, fire fighting, wall track, humanoid, Hexapod, etc. These robotics project ideas for engineering students will be helpful while doing the practice. So, here are the top 10 robotics project ideas for engineering students.

1. 3D Printed Robot

It so happens that 3D printing is a wonderful application for the discipline of robotics. It provides designers with the freedom to add new functionality to their creations. That, and end-users can customize a robot for their specific needs. With robotics and 3D printing combined, people are pushing the boundaries of possibility every day. Therefore, 3D Printed robot would be the best project to make in your final year to make an everlasting impact.

2. Stair Climber Robot

Robots have widely been used for a wide number of tasks. But a very promising use of robotics lies in goods transport. Most robots use either a wheeled or a tracked mechanism for mobility. While wheeled mechanisms offer impressive speed and a significant advantage in steering, this often proves to be difficult to use in off-road conditions and for climbing over obstacles.

3. Robotic Arm Controlled by Touch Screen Display

The project proposes a touch screen operated robotic vehicle that is operated remotely. The touch screen remote is used as the transmitter to send RF control signals. The robotic vehicle consists of receivers used to capture those signals and perform required tasks. The project uses an 8051 microcontroller for this purpose. The touch screen device is used as the transmitter to send movement commands to the robotic vehicle. The receiver on the vehicle receives those commands and operates the vehicle using an 8051 microcontroller.

4. Line Follower Robot

A line follower is a simple robot that follows a thick line drawn on the floor using infrared (IR) or other optical sensors. This line follower robot uses two motors with wheels on the rear and a castor wheel as support on the front. The line follower robot is one of the best robotic projects to try especially, for the final year engineering students who want to make an everlasting impression.

5. Solar Floor Cleaner Robot

A solar-based floor cleaner robot helps to clean outdoor spaces, terraces, open restaurants, large campuses, etc. You can prepare a robot to help cleaners clean large open spaces without any physical effort and without the need to charge the robot. Students can use the RF remote to control the robot and send movement commands. The solar floor cleaner robot is a must-try robotic project for engineering students.

6. Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle

The system works in conjunction with an 8051 series microcontroller to achieve this operation. The pushbuttons are used to send commands to move the vehicle forward, backward, left, and right. Two motors at the receiving end operate the vehicle as per the commands received. As soon as a command is sent it gets transmitted through the RF transmitter. At the receiving end, an rf receiver reads the command and passes it to an 8051 microcontroller for processing. The microcontroller then operates the motors to move the vehicle through a motor driver IC. The metal detection system attached to the system detects any metal underneath it. On detection, it automatically sends on a small buzzing alarm to notify the user about it. Thus the metal detection system coupled with a robotic vehicle allows for operating the robotic vehicle on a 200-meter radius remotely through RF technology.

7. Pick and Place Robotic Vehicle

A pick and place robot is the one that is used to pick up an object and place it in the desired location. It can be a cylindrical robot providing movement in horizontal, vertical and rotational axes, a spherical robot providing two rotational and one linear movement, an articulated robot, or a scary robot (fixed robots with 3 vertical axes rotary arms). The basic function of a pick and place robot is done by its joints. Joints are analogous to human joints and are used to join the two consecutive rigid bodies in the robot. They can be rotary joints or linear joints. To add a joint to any link of a robot, we need to know about the degrees of freedom and degrees of movement for that body part. Degrees of freedom implement the linear and rotational movement of the body and Degrees of movement imply the number of axes the body can move.

8. Mobile Autonomous Robot

The proposed system is capable of detecting obstacles at various ranges. This was inspired by a visual looming algorithm and was achieved by defining the minimum number of pixels within the code while measuring the distance between the camera and the obstacle. The proposed system was implemented on a Raspberry Pi using a USB webcam to capture images. The proposed system will incorporate a USB camera which will be connected to a Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi will be running a python script that will grab images in the video while looking for a geometrical shape i.e. circles. If the circle is detected then based on the location of the circle on the screen, the script will pull up or down the GPIO port pins that will be used to control the direction of the robot.

9. Chess Playing Robot

This project integrates aspects of robotics, computer vision, and of course chess. And don’t worry! It’s very easy to set up, the code is written in Python and every step of the project is explained in this tutorial series, so it’s perfect for those who don’t have much experience in the field. It uses a camera and a visual recognition system running on a Raspberry Pi to detect the movements of chess pieces in the game. It uses Stockfish as a chess engine to validate the human player’s moves and decide which move the robot will make, then it uses all this information to transcribe the game in a graphical user interface that shows the game state and allows you to configure all the aspects of it, for example, at the start of the game it allows you to calibrate the camera and choose which color you would like to play with. It does not require any special chess board or pieces; in fact, the GUI allows you to enter the dimensions of your board so you can play without making any changes to the code or having to make a custom board.

10. Cleaning Robot

This allows for automatic cleaning of a particular area or room by covering the area using border analysis. The robotic system follows a zigzag path to cover the entire room. The system uses ultrasonic sensors for boundary sensing and operates accordingly in order to cover the entire room. The system also has a vacuum suction cleaner attached to its back for dust suction. It also displays the time utilized for a complete cleaning session and displays it on an LCD display post the cleaning process. The system uses a microcontroller-based circuit system in order to monitor ultrasonic sensors as well as operate LCD displays and control robot movement at the same time. The system detects one corner of the room and starts from there, it then activates the vacuum cleaner motor in order to start the suction system.

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