Nanorobots Will Help Humans Achieve Immortality by 2030

NanorobotsAccording to former Google scientist nanorobots will help humans to become immortal in just seven years

According to former Google scientist Ray Kurzweil, nanorobots will help humans to become immortal in just seven years. The 75-year-old computer scientist has a history of making insightful predictions. Almost 86% of his 147 forecasts have come true so far. In a YouTube video by tech vlogger Adagio, Kurzweil asserted while discussing the advancement of genetics, nanotechnology, robots, and other fields.

Ray Kurzweil thinks that in the not-too-distant future, nanobots will be able to run through our veins thanks to the current developments and expansions in genetics, robotics, and nanotechnology. Nowadays, the research employs these 50-100 nm wide nanorobots as DNA probes, cell imaging tools, and cell-specific delivery systems. According to Kurzweil, nanorobots will be crucial in the fight against aging and disease and the cellular restoration of human bodies and make humans immortal. He also claims that people can consume any food and keep their slimness and high energy levels thanks to nanotechnology.

Now utilized in research as DNA probes, cell imaging tools, and cell-specific delivery vehicles, nanobots are tiny 50-100 nm broad robots. In the past, he accurately anticipated the expansion of the Internet, the transition to more wireless technology, and the fact that by 2000, a machine would defeat humans at chess. To lead “new efforts in machine learning and language processing,” Kurzweil joined Google in December 2012 in a full-time capacity. Larry Page, a co-founder of Google, announced the hiring and gave Kurzweil his one-sentence job description: “to improve Google’s natural language comprehension.”

The post Nanorobots Will Help Humans Achieve Immortality by 2030 appeared first on Analytics Insight.

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