Customizing Soft Robots in a Universal Way

Soft Robots

Soft robotics is a developing area that depends on replicating the locomotion processes of soft things found in nature in order to accomplish smooth and complicated motion. Earthworms, reptiles, larval insects, crabs, and eels are among the “soft bodies” that can navigate in complicated settings and have developed a wide range of techniques from which we may learn.

Let’s dig into more details to learn more about the topic.

What are Soft Robots?

Soft robots are largely made of readily malleable matter, such as fluids, gels, and elastomers, which may match specific materials in a process known as compliance matching. The idea of compliance matching states that materials that make contact with one other should have similar mechanical stiffness in order to transfer internal load uniformly and reduce interfacial tensile stress. This principle, nevertheless, does not applicable to rigid robots (E=109Pa) engaging with soft materials (E=102-106Pa), causing serious damage or mechanical immobility. These kinds of interactions with soft materials are common, for example, with natural skin, muscular tissue, and sensitive interior organs, but also with creatures, artificial predictor variables of biological functions, and so on. Because of this huge disparity in mechanical compliance, it’s simple to assume that stiff robots are unsuitable, if not hazardous, for close human engagement.

Applications of Soft Robots

Aside from being soft, these robots have a slew of other significant advantages. Soft robots are mechanically biocompatible and capable of realistic functions because they are made of materials that suit the flexibility of biological material (such as human skin and tissue). Furthermore, soft robots employ materials that can alter form and elastic rigidity, are lightweight, and are well-suited to close human contact: pleasant, soft enough to avoid injury, biocompatible, and obedient. These characteristics have the potential to result in a plethora of intriguing new technologies across a wide variety of social, scientific, and industrial projects in the area.

The majority of these applications should fall under the purview of the biological discipline. Soft robotics implementations in the medical field range from big size robots such as soft portable robots, soft prosthetic limbs, and co-robots (assistive robots that collaborate with human partners) to miniaturised robots for field discovery, drug delivery, minor surgery, and medical implants. Human motor aid utilising soft wearable robots may be the first to be effectively deployed. This new form of robot will help people who have muscular weakness or who have physical or neurological problems.

For individuals with gait problems such as drop foot, a soft dynamic ankle foot orthotic (AFO) might assist avoid foot dragging. Soft hand prosthetics with artificial muscles, like the AFO, have started to be used to provide helpful mechanical assistance in the fingers and wrist. The web address of cardiac simulators, which simulate the motion of the heart, has also been investigated. These synthetic muscles are developed on McKibben actuators, which are made up of an inflated balloon wrapped in a braided shell of woven inextensible fibres.

In terms of “second skin,” the development of various soft exoskeletons has started, and their applications are diverse. As previously said, this new form of robot would be beneficial to people suffering from movement problems, the aged, as well as warriors, firemen, paramedics, and anybody who needs to carry large items. Exoskeletons have been created with hard connections in tandem with biological anatomy for years to improve the wearer’s strength and flexibility while shielding them from physical stress and damage. These robots, though, were not well-suited to the smooth and complicated motions of the human body, were hefty, and took up a lot of room. Alternatively, these new soft wearable robots function by using pneumatic air artificial muscles (McKibben actuators), are compatible with human movements, and are lightweight.

Singapore University of Science and technology and Design scientists have created a unique automated technique for developing and producing customised soft robots by merging two separate approaches into one integrated workflow. Their approach, which was described in Advanced Materials Technologies, may be extended to various types of soft robots, enabling their mechanical characteristics to be modified in a simple way.

Though robots are frequently represented as stiff, mechanical constructions, a new class of flexible devices known as soft robots is gaining momentum. Soft robots, which are inspired by the flexible shapes of biological beings, have a wide range of applications, including sensing, locomotion, object grasping and manipulation, among many others. However, such robots are currently primarily made using hand casting processes, which limits the intricacy and geometries that can be produced.

Tailoring Soft Robots

“Most fabrication techniques are primarily manual, leading to a shortage of standard tools,” stated the study’s lead author, SUTD Assistant Professor Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado. As per Dr. Valdivia y Alvarado, embedded 3D printing—in which several material inks are extruded in a supporting matrix—is particularly well suited for the fabrication of soft robots composed of numerous materials or composites. To guarantee that these robots are constructed properly, the team resorted to topology optimisation (TO), a technique in which mathematical models are used to design customised structures within a set of restrictions.

The authors believed that by automating these two essential stages in a single framework, they might create an integrated workflow for manufacturing customised soft robots while minimising potential mistakes along the way. The scientists employed a swimming automated system inspired by batoids for the investigation. The workflow begins with the definition of the robot’s fin shape, followed by the application of TO to create the appropriate structure with the necessary characteristics within the specified material and motion restrictions. The optimal solution is then converted into code, which is processed by the squad’s custom-built 3D printers, which build the robot.

The batoid-inspired soft robots were intended to withstand the severe circumstances of the maritime environment, with the strategy focusing on modifying their fin composition and analysing how these modifications may affect the manufactured robot’s swimming ability.

Furthermore, three types of fins were developed, with two fins composed of soft and rigid materials, correspondingly, and a third fin built using TO and merging the two materials. Apart from the first two composite fins, which were manufactured using conventional methods, the third composite fin was created utilising an integrated workflow. The soft robot with the improved composite fins was 50% better than its equivalent with the normally casted soft fin, and marginally quicker than the robot with the solid fin. Dr. Valdivia y Alvarado highlighted that their process for constructing optimised, multi-material soft robots may be globally adopted to build additional soft robots after successfully demonstrating the efficiency of their method.


Soft robotics uses tangible technical concepts to address the difficult issues of self-organization, self-assembly and self-stability and it also anticipates real-world evolutionary and adaptive robots. The subject of study is still in its infancy, and the focus is now on the discovery of unusual materials and their use in robotic systems. Soft robotics, on the other hand, is bringing us new scientific concepts and techniques that help us better comprehend embodied intelligence.

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