The prevalence of hacking had been around since the invention of computers. To some hackers, they hack because they are driven by something they believe would benefit their cause. To others, however, it’s much more than that. Some hackers do it to prove a point, steal documents and information, or disrupt services. Money is also a great driving force, where hackers hijack systems and refuse access until payment is received.
Now, even home security systems aren’t safe from the hands of these hackers. There are numerous ways a hacker can successfully bypass your security. Though some hackers want to mess around, there are people who hack into these systems to break into a house.
The problem is homeowners are not aware that someone can hack into their home security systems. They think that since it’s home security, it wouldn’t be vulnerable to such crimes. However, unless the hacker wanted to, you wouldn’t notice your system has been invaded.
What is a Home Security System?
Before we begin, let’s briefly talk about what home security system is and the importance of it. You see, people often overlook how important it is to get a sound home security system. Some don’t think that any form of property crime wouldn’t happen to them. Or if they do think of that possibility, they’re confident they can defend themselves against intruders.
Home security systems work by securing any entry point into your home. Doors, windows, furniture that contains any valuable, it is a security system’s job to warn the owners when someone tries to tamper with these things. A control panel usually monitors a security component installed throughout the house.
The system is made up of devices that work together as a protection against any home intruders. It is usually composed of control panels, door and window sensors, security cameras, motion sensors, and an alarm. This ensures that any unwanted activity in your home can be easily spotted.
If you’re considering to get a home security system but can’t decide which one, check out this Nest system review. Not only would you find great devices for your home, but you’d also be able to consider which system you think would work best for you.
Hack Proof Your Security Systems
If you’ve finally decided to hack-proof your security system at home, here are the things you can do;
A Strong and Secure Password
Weak passwords are usually the reason why burglars can enter into your home like they have a key in their hand. Default passwords are worse, as they are easier to guess. Whenever you create a password, do not use personal information such as your name or a particular date.
A good password has at least 12 characters or more. To strengthen it, consider incorporating a mix of both capital and small letters, numbers, and symbols. That way, it’d be harder for the burglar to play a guessing game with your password.
Do Not Connect to Public Wi-Fis
Since public Wi-Fis are available to hackers, it’d be easier to infiltrate your system if it’s connected with it, too. Hackers love public Wi-Fi. When a wireless security system connects to an unsecured Wi-Fi network, hackers can use a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. This means that hackers can see whatever information passes between the control panel and the devices.
Upgrade the System Regularly
Not all systems are flawless when they get out. Some have minor bugs in their software that should be given little to no concern as they don’t get in the way of a system’s performance. However, hackers can find a way to use bugs as a form of attack.
This is why upgrading your system is necessary. When updated, companies would fix the bugs littered all over the system. Your home security would have better counter against old and new threats, optimized performance, and add new security features.
Do Not Allow Unknown Devices to Your Network
Not only are they using your internet, letting strangers into your network could jeopardize your home security system. As mentioned above in the public Wi-Fi section, having someone you don’t know have access to your network can turn into a MITM attack. These devices might also get a hold of your home security’s username and password and use it to log in to your account.
Always Check the Camera Logs
If you think that someone has been messing around with your home security system, check the camera logs of your security cameras. Every time someone accesses your camera, their IP address, and the date when they accessed, it will show up in the logs. Be sure you know your IP address first to avoid confusion. If you found a suspicious record in your security system, change the access codes, and contact the police.
Change Your Password Regularly
Change your password at least every 30 days. This enhances the safety of your home security against those hackers who had somehow gotten hold of the old password. Just make sure you change it fully, though, instead of altering just one character. Being lazy of coming up with passwords wouldn’t help your cause.
Having a home security system lessens our worries over the safety of our own homes. However, as security systems become more and more sophisticated, burglars and home invaders learn to adapt. By making sure that your home security is hack-proof, chances of someone being able to bypass your alarms would be little to none.
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