From Zero to Hero: Create Your First ML Model with PyTorch

From Zero to Hero: Create Your First ML Model with PyTorch
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PyTorch is the most widely used Python-based Deep Learning framework. It provides tremendous support for all machine learning architectures and data pipelines. In this article, we go through all the framework basics to get you started with implementing your algorithms.

All machine learning implementations have 4 major steps:

  • Data Handling
  • Model Architecture
  • Training Loop
  • Evaluation

We go through all these steps while implementing our own MNIST image classification model in PyTorch. This will familiarize you with the general flow of a machine-learning project.


import torch  import torch.nn as nn  import torch.optim as  optim    from import DataLoader    # Using MNIST dataset provided by PyTorch  from torchvision.datasets.mnist import MNIST  import torchvision.transforms as transforms    # Import Model implemented in a different file  from model import Classifier    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

torch.nn module provides support for neural network architectures and has built-in implementations for popular layers such as Dense Layers, Convolutional Neural Networks, and many more.

torch.optim provides implementations for optimizers such as Stochastic Gradient Descent and Adam.

Other utility modules are available for data handling support and transformations. We will go through each in more detail later.

Declare Hyperparameters

Each hyperparameter will be explained further where appropriate. However, it is a best practice to declare them at the top of our file for ease of change and understanding.

INPUT_SIZE = 784	# Flattened 28x28 images  NUM_CLASSES = 10	# 0-9 hand-written digits.  BATCH_SIZE = 128	# Using Mini-Batches for Training  LEARNING_RATE = 0.01	# Opitimizer Step  NUM_EPOCHS = 5  	# Total Training Epochs

Data Loading and Transforms

data_transforms = transforms.Compose([      	transforms.ToTensor(),      	transforms.Lambda(lambda x: torch.flatten(x))  ])    train_dataset = MNIST(root=".data/", train=True, download=True, transform=data_transforms)      test_dataset = MNIST(root=".data/", train=False, download=True, transform=data_transforms)

MNIST is a popular image classification dataset, provided by default in PyTorch. It consists of grayscale images of 10 hand-written digits from 0 to 9. Each image is of size 28 pixels by 28 pixels, and the dataset contains 60000 training and 10000 testing images.

We load the training and testing dataset separately, denoted by the train argument in the MNIST initialization function. The root argument declares the directory in which the dataset is to be downloaded.

However, we also pass an additional transform argument. For PyTorch, all inputs and outputs are supposed to be in Torch.Tensor format. This is equivalent to a numpy.ndarray in numpy. This tensor format provides additional support for data manipulation. However, the MNIST data we load from is in the PIL.Image format. We need to transform the images into PyTorch-compatible tensors. Accordingly, we pass the following transforms:

data_transforms = transforms.Compose([      	transforms.ToTensor(),      	transforms.Lambda(lambda x: torch.flatten(x))  ])

The ToTensor() transform converts images to tensor format. Next, we pass an additional Lambda transform. The Lambda function allows us to implement custom transforms. Here we declare a function to flatten the input. The images are of size 28×28, but, we flatten them i.e. convert them to a single-dimensional array of size 28×28 or 784. This will be important later when we implement our model.

The Compose function sequentially combines all the transforms. Firstly, the data is converted to tensor format and then flattened to a one-dimensional array.

Dividing our Data into Batches

For computational and training purposes, we can not pass the complete dataset into the model at once. We need to divide our dataset into mini-batches that will be fed to the model in sequential order. This allows faster training and adds randomness to our dataset, which can assist in stable training.

PyTorch provides built-in support for batching our data. The DataLoader class from torch. utils module can create batches of data, given a torch dataset module. As above, we already have the dataset loaded.

train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)  test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False)

We pass the dataset to our dataloader, and our batch_size hyperparameter as initialization arguments. This creates an iterable data loader, so we can easily iterate over each batch using a simple for loop.

Our initial image was of size (784, ) with a single associated label. The batching then combines different images and labels in a batch. For example, if we have a batch size of 64, the input size in a batch will become (64, 784) and we will have 64 associated labels for each batch.

We also shuffle the training batch, which changes the images within a batch for each epoch. It allows for stable training and faster convergence of our model parameters.

Defining our Classification Model

We use a simple implementation consisting of 3 hidden layers. Although simple, this can give you a general understanding of combining different layers for more complex implementations.

As described above, we have an input tensor of size (784, ) and 10 different output classes, one for each digit from 0-9.

** For model implementation, we can ignore the batch dimension.

import torch  import torch.nn as nn      class Classifier(nn.Module):  	def __init__(          	self,          	input_size:int,          	num_classes:int      	) -> None:      	super().__init__()      	self.input_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, 512)      	self.hidden_1 = nn.Linear(512, 256)      	self.hidden_2 = nn.Linear(256, 128)      	self.output_layer = nn.Linear(128, num_classes)        	self.activation = nn.ReLU()     	   	def forward(self, x):      	# Pass Input Sequentially through each dense layer and activation      	x = self.activation(self.input_layer(x))      	x = self.activation(self.hidden_1(x))      	x = self.activation(self.hidden_2(x))      	return self.output_layer(x)

Firstly, the model must inherit from the torch.nn.Module class. This provides basic functionality for neural network architectures. We then must implement two methods, __init__ and forward.

In the __init__ method, we declare all layers the model will use. We use Linear (also called Dense) layers provided by PyTorch. The first layer maps the input to 512 neurons. We can pass input_size as a model parameter, so we can later use it for input of different sizes as well. The second layer maps the 512 neurons to 256. The third hidden layer maps the 256 neurons from the previous layer to 128. The final layer then finally reduces to the output size. Our output size will be a tensor of size (10, ) because we are predicting ten different numbers.

From Zero to Hero: Create Your First ML Model with PyTorch
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Moreover, we initialize a ReLU activation layer for non-linearity in our model.

The forward function receives images and we provide code for processing the input. We use the layers declared and sequentially pass our input through each layer, with an intermediate ReLU activation layer.

In our main code, we can then initialize the model providing it with the input and output size for our dataset.

model = Classifier(input_size=784, num_classes=10)

Once initialized, we change the model device (which can be either CUDA GPU or CPU). We checked for our device when we initialized the hyperparameters. Now, we have to manually change the device for our tensors and model layers.

Training Loop

Firstly, we must declare our loss function and optimizer that will be used to optimize our model parameters.

criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()  optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)

Firstly, we must declare our loss function and optimizer that will be used to optimize our model parameters.

We use the Cross-Entropy Loss that is primarily used for multi-label classification models. It first applies softmax to the predictions and calculates the given target labels and predicted values.

Adam optimizer is the most-used optimizer function that allows stable gradient descent toward convergence. It is the default optimizer choice nowadays and provides satisfactory results. We pass our model parameters as an argument that denotes the weights that will be optimized.

For our training loop, we build step-by-step and fill in missing portions as we gain an understanding.

As a starting point, we iterate over the complete dataset multiple times (called epoch), and optimize our model each time. However, we have divided our data into batches. Then, for every epoch, we must iterate over each batch as well. The code for this will look as below:

for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):      	for batch in iter(train_dataloader):            # Train the Model for each batch.  

Now, we can train the model given a single input batch. Our batch consists of images and labels. Firstly, we must separate each of these. Our model only requires images as input to make predictions. We then compare the predictions with the true labels, to estimate our model’s performance.

for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):      	for batch in iter(train_dataloader):          	images, labels = batch # Separate inputs and labels          	# Convert Tensor Hardware Devices to either GPU or CPU          	images =          	labels =         	           	# Calls the model.forward() function to generate predictions           	predictions = model(images)

We pass the batch of images directly to the model that will be processed by the forward function defined within the model. Once we have our predictions, we can optimize our model weights.

The optimization code looks as follows:

# Calculate Cross Entropy Loss  loss = criterion(predictions, labels)  # Clears gradient values from previous batch  optimizer.zero_grad()  # Computes backprop gradient based on the loss  loss.backward()  # Optimizes the model weights  optimizer.step()

Using the above code, we can compute all the backpropagation gradients and optimize the model weights using the Adam optimizer. All the above codes combined can train our model toward convergence.

Complete training loop looks as follows:

for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):      	total_epoch_loss = 0      	steps = 0      	for batch in iter(train_dataloader):          	images, labels = batch # Separate inputs and labels          	# Convert Tensor Hardware Devices to either GPU or CPU          	images =          	labels =         	           	# Calls the model.forward() function to generate predictions       	           	predictions = model(images)         	           	# Calculate Cross Entropy Loss          	loss = criterion(predictions, labels)          	# Clears gradient values from previous batch          	optimizer.zero_grad()          	# Computes backprop gradient based on the loss          	loss.backward()          	# Optimizes the model weights          	optimizer.step()         	           	steps += 1          	total_epoch_loss += loss.item()         	       	print(f'Epoch: {epoch + 1} / {NUM_EPOCHS}: Average Loss: {total_epoch_loss / steps}')

The loss gradually decreases and reaches close to 0. Then, we can evaluate the model on the test dataset we declared initially.

Evaluating our Model Performace

for batch in iter(test_dataloader):      	images, labels = batch      	images =      	labels =     	       	predictions = model(images)     	       	# Taking the predicted label with highest probability      	predictions = torch.argmax(predictions, dim=1)     	       	correct_predictions += (predictions == labels).sum().item()      	total_predictions += labels.shape[0]        print(f"nTEST ACCURACY: {((correct_predictions / total_predictions) * 100):.2f}")

Similar to the training loop, we iterate over each batch in the test dataset for evaluation. We generate predictions for the inputs. However, for evaluation, we only need the label with the highest probability. The argmax function provides this functionality to obtain the index of the value with the highest value in our predictions array.

For the accuracy score, we can then compare if the predicted label matches the true target label. We then compute the accuracy of the number of correct labels divided by the total predicted labels.


I only trained the model for five epochs and achieved a test accuracy of over 96 percent, as compared to 10 percent accuracy before training. The image below shows the model predictions after training five epochs.

From Zero to Hero: Create Your First ML Model with PyTorch

There you have it. You have now implemented a model from scratch that can differentiate hand-written digits just from image pixel values.

This in no way is a comprehensive guide to PyTorch but it does provide you with a general understanding of structure and data flow in a machine learning project. This is nonetheless sufficient knowledge to get you started with implementing state-of-the-art architectures in deep learning.

Complete Code

The complete code is as follows:

import torch  import torch.nn as nn      class Classifier(nn.Module):  	def __init__(          	self,          	input_size:int,          	num_classes:int      	) -> None:      	super().__init__()      	self.input_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, 512)      	self.hidden_1 = nn.Linear(512, 256)      	self.hidden_2 = nn.Linear(256, 128)      	self.output_layer = nn.Linear(128, num_classes)        	self.activation = nn.ReLU()     	   	def forward(self, x):      	# Pass Input Sequentially through each dense layer and activation      	x = self.activation(self.input_layer(x))      	x = self.activation(self.hidden_1(x))      	x = self.activation(self.hidden_2(x))      	return self.output_layer(x)

import torch  import torch.nn as nn  import torch.optim as  optim    from import DataLoader    # Using MNIST dataset provided by PyTorch  from torchvision.datasets.mnist import MNIST  import torchvision.transforms as transforms    # Import Model implemented in a different file  from model import Classifier    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    if __name__ == "__main__":        	INPUT_SIZE = 784	# Flattened 28x28 images  	NUM_CLASSES = 10	# 0-9 hand-written digits.  	BATCH_SIZE = 128	# Using Mini-Batches for Training  	LEARNING_RATE = 0.01	# Opitimizer Step  	NUM_EPOCHS = 5  	# Total Training Epochs    	DEVICE = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'        	# Will be used to convert Images to PyTorch Tensors  	data_transforms = transforms.Compose([      	transforms.ToTensor(),      	transforms.Lambda(lambda x: torch.flatten(x))  	])              	train_dataset = MNIST(root=".data/", train=True, download=True, transform=data_transforms)  	test_dataset = MNIST(root=".data/", train=False, download=True, transform=data_transforms)            	train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)  	test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False)              	model = Classifier(input_size=784, num_classes=10)        	criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()  	optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)        	for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):      	total_epoch_loss = 0      	steps = 0      	for batch in iter(train_dataloader):          	images, labels = batch # Separate inputs and labels          	# Convert Tensor Hardware Devices to either GPU or CPU          	images =          	labels =         	           	# Calls the model.forward() function to generate predictions       	           	predictions = model(images)         	           	# Calculate Cross Entropy Loss          	loss = criterion(predictions, labels)          	# Clears gradient values from previous batch          	optimizer.zero_grad()          	# Computes backprop gradient based on the loss          	loss.backward()          	# Optimizes the model weights          	optimizer.step()         	           	steps += 1          	total_epoch_loss += loss.item()         	       	print(f'Epoch: {epoch + 1} / {NUM_EPOCHS}: Average Loss: {total_epoch_loss / steps}')  	# Save Trained Model, 'trained_model.pth')        	model.eval()  	correct_predictions = 0  	total_predictions = 0  	for batch in iter(test_dataloader):      	images, labels = batch      	images =      	labels =     	       	predictions = model(images)     	       	# Taking the predicted label with highest probability      	predictions = torch.argmax(predictions, dim=1)     	       	correct_predictions += (predictions == labels).sum().item()      	total_predictions += labels.shape[0]        	print(f"nTEST ACCURACY: {((correct_predictions / total_predictions) * 100):.2f}")                    	# --  Code For Plotting Results  -- #        	batch = next(iter(test_dataloader))  	images, labels = batch        	fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, figsize=(16,8))  	for i in range(4):      	image = images[i]      	prediction = torch.softmax(model(image), dim=0)      	prediction = torch.argmax(prediction, dim=0)      	# print(type(prediction), type(prediction.item()))      	ax[i].imshow(image.view(28,28))      	ax[i].set_title(f'Prediction: {prediction.item()}')

Muhammad Arham is a Deep Learning Engineer working in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. He has worked on the deployment and optimizations of several generative AI applications that reached the global top charts at Vyro.AI. He is interested in building and optimizing machine learning models for intelligent systems and believes in continual improvement.

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