Amazon Introduces Project Amelia, AI Assistant For Retailers

Amazon Introduces Project Amelia, AI Assistant For Retailers

Amazon has launched its AI assistant, Project Amelia for sellers on their retail site to make managing and growing business easier. Using the power of Amazon Bedrock and all its available AI models, Project Amelia aims to provide instant secure access to sales and business matrices, compare trends and provide guidance based on data.

Sellers can interact with Amelia to gain quick insights into their performance, compare year on year sales and even drill down into product-specific data, like asking how a particular item is performing in terms of sales or customer traffic.

Currently available in beta for US sellers, Project Amelia will expand globally by the end of 2024.

“While Amazon offers many powerful tools and services to assist with these tasks, we want to make it even easier for sellers to manage and grow their business,” said Mary Beth Westmoreland, VP, worldwide selling partner experience at Amazon in the release blog.

Project Amelia offers sellers an AI-powered, all-in-one assistant that provides instant answers, advice, and tools to streamline their business operations. Accessible at any time within Seller Central, this generative AI solution delivers accurate information and personalised guidance tailored to each seller’s unique business.

  • Knowledge-based queries: Sellers can ask for specific guidance, such as “What should I do to prepare for the holiday season?” and receive tailored best practices and information.
  • Status updates and metrics: By asking questions like “How is my business doing?” sellers receive summaries of sales data, customer traffic, and other critical metrics. They can also dive deeper into specific product performance.
  • Issue resolution: Soon, Project Amelia will help diagnose problems and offer solutions, even taking action on behalf of sellers for complex issues like tracking shipments or resolving discrepancies.

“Project Amelia is just one of five generative AI tools announced today that are going to improve the Amazon experience for both sellers and customers,” said Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of AI and data at Amazon.

The post Amazon Introduces Project Amelia, AI Assistant For Retailers appeared first on AIM.

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