Robotics is gradually evolving. Here are some ground-breaking platforms to build your robots in 2022
Like any other technology on this planet, robotics is growing at a faster pace. Robotics is an interdisciplinary research area that involves design, construction, operation, and the use of robots. Robots have taken over almost every industry available on this planet, be it education, defence, healthcare, or whatever. Robots are becoming extremely popular in the manufacturing industry and according to some experts, this trend is never going to lose its charm, rather it will flourish with the passing time. Robot makers have designed them to aid various industries, companies, and also households, to perform tasks, which a human being fails to perform. India has one of the strongest growing tech economies among the flourishing Asian market and is rapidly moving towards tech automation. As per reports, between the years 2019-2024, the Indian Industrial robotics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.3%. If you are someone who loves robots and want to build some wonderful robots in 2022 with your own hands, here’s for you, some of the ground-breaking platforms to build robots.
GOOGLE ROBEL: Currently, researchers of Google Brain and UC Berkeley introduced Robotics Benchmarks for Learning with Low-Cost Robots or (ROBEL) to the world. It is an open-source platform of cost-effective robots designed primarily to ease research and development on physical hardware, in the real world. The robot in this platform is low-cost, modular, and is easy to maintain. According to the researchers, it is one of the experimental platforms to build robots, which supports a broad range of experimental needs along with the development of several important algorithms, like reinforcement learning. It is one of the ground-breaking platforms to build robots if you want to build your own robots in 2022.
Arduino: Arduino boards are one of the most used DIY robotics platforms on the market. Almost all of them feature an Atmel / Microchip processor, which runs at a clock speed in the “low two-figures” Megahertz range. Though they are slow by the traditional computing standards, these boards primarily communicate by taking physical inputs from switches or sensors and then sending the response via a signal, through any output device, like light servomotor or any serial output.
Microsoft AirSim: Microsoft AirSim or Aerial Informatics and Robotics Simulation, is an open-source robotics simulation platform. This platform has the potential to capture data for models from wheeled robotics, aerial drones to IoT devices. It provides a realistic simulation tool for the designers and the developers. This platform is designed to amalgamate with the existing machine learning frameworks, in order to generate new algorithms to control tasks.
Webots: It is an open-source robotics platform, to stimulate. It provides a complete development environment to model, program, and simulated robots. It has been designed for professional use and is widely used in the education and research industries. Webots core is based on the amalgamation of modern GUI, a physical engine, and an OpenGL 3.3 rendering engine.
Wandelbots: It enables everyone to work with industrial robots easily and faster, without even writing a single line of code. Using Wandelbots Teaching, three simple steps are needed to execute a robot path to teach, refine and execute. The application of this software includes welding, gluing, spray painting, and so on. This platform enables to build of independent robot programming and saves a lot of time.
ROSbot 2.0: It is an autonomous robotics platform, which comprises robust mechanics, powerful computers, advanced sensors like LiDAR, and expansion ports. It was introduced by Husarion, a development and management platform for robots, drones, etc. This platform is based on CORE2-ROS with ASUS Tinker Board and comprises two units.
Poppy Project: It is an open-source robotics platform developing, installing, and sharing interactive 3D printed robots. It is actually a community-centered robotic project, which aims at the needs of a multidisciplinary community such as researchers and other robotic enthusiasts, who wish to share their work and ideas on the same platform.
Otto DIY: It is an open-source robotics platform with an extraordinary personality, that allows it to build a robot. This platform guides through videos to build Otto. It enables one to print a 3D robot, that too for free. One can make one’s robot dance with its Bluetooth app and design one’s own robot using modern #D CAD Modeling tools.
Linorobot: It is a suite of open-source ROS-compatible robots that aim to provide students and developers a low-cost platform for creating new existing applications on top of ROS. It supports different robot bases, which one can build from a ground level.
AWS RoboMaker: It is an AWS cloud-based robotics integrated development environment, where one can develop, deploy and test robotic applications, as well as build intelligent robotics functions using cloud services. This platform has connectivity to AWS services, which include machine learning, monitoring, and analytics services to aid robots to stream data, navigate, and so on.
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