To help you get started on the learning curve, here the top 10 Roboticists to follow on twitter
We’ve become accustomed to watching robots on TV, but they’ve now made their way into our industries, offices and even our homes. It’s not always simple to stay on top of robotics developments, which move at a dizzying pace. Robotics and AI machines are taking over the globe. Healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, education and defense are just a few of the areas that have adopted them. To name a few, autonomous mobile robots, no-code robotics solutions and assistive robots are all examples of engineering and science coming together to develop unique solutions. Robotics‘ versatility and competitiveness assist small and large organizations alike. Without robots, many of the world’s most successful industrial and technological companies would be impossible to operate. This article features the top 10 talented roboticists to follow on Twitter to stay informed.
Tessa Lau @tessalau
Computers are remarkably bad at generalized tasks such as avoiding gum on the path or recognizing that an interloper is a cat. That means that advanced robots need either AI or Isaac Asimov’s positronic brain. Of course, Asimov’s device was, well, science fiction.
Lau’s company uses robots to lay out complex construction designs. On her Twitter feed, Lau advocates for agile methodologies to build sustainable robotics. The same feed highlights applied AI in robots to solve some of those problems of generalized intelligence. Tessa Lau is one of the top robotics leaders to follow on twitter.
Soumith Chintala @soumithchintala
Chintala helped to build the ML platform called PyTorch. An advocate in the open-source ML community, he has contributed to several publications on the topic of generative adversarial networks (GANs). Read his Twitter feed for information about advances in natural-language data processors and robotics. One of the top 10 talented roboticists to follow on Twitter to stay informed.
Lex Fridman @lexfridman
This AI researcher has a popular podcast where he speaks with all of the heavy hitters in AI and ML. His Twitter feed provides links to these podcasts as well as diverse content. Fridman is working on autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and ML at MIT.
Angelica Lim @petitegeek
Lim launched a robotics lab at Simon Fraser University and recently received the inaugural School of Computing Science’s Excellence in Teaching award. Her tweets are focused on educating others in the fields of robotics, machine learning, and AI. Besides Twitter, you can read her work in several issues of IEEE Spectrum Automation. One of the top 10 talented roboticists to follow on Twitter to stay informed.
Tabitha Goldstaub @tabithagold
Goldstaub champions women in the field of AI and co-founded FutureGirlCorp to do just that. She also wrote the book How to Talk to Robots: A Girl’s Guide to a Future Dominated by AI. Her tweets focus on the democratization of data and making access to data affordable.
Jason Huggins @hugs
The entrepreneur who founded Sauce Labs, Huggins may be best known as the original contributor and creator of the Selenium project. Successful enough to work on what he wants to work on, his current passion project is building robots at Tapsterbot. The company uses mechanical hands and AI to physically put real software devices through their paces, including test automation on mobile devices. He tweets about robotics, AI, ML, and continuous improvement of software.
Kevin Surace @kevinsurace
Surace’s tweets explore DevOps, BizOps, and other areas where AI is being applied to the software delivery process. The company he leads is focused on the benefits of AI and ML as applied to software testing. Their product, Appvance IQ, is presented as an autonomous continuous testing system.
Kate Crawford @katecrawford
Crawford’s first book, Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, is due to launch in April 2021. She is the inaugural visiting chair for AI and justice at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, and the Miegunyah distinguished visiting fellow at the University of Melbourne. Her tweets capture global points of view about AI. One of the top 10 talented roboticists to follow on Twitter to stay informed.
Andrew Ng @AndrewYNg
Anyone who wants to pursue a career in AI should know Andrew Ng. Widely considered an AI star, Ng founded the Google Brain deep learning project. He also was Chinese tech giant Baidu’s chief computer scientist until he left in 2017. Ng transformed the AI strategies of Google and Baidu, where he laid the foundation for some of their biggest products to date.
Nathan Benaich @NathanBenaich
Benaich is a former genetics researcher turned AI venture capitalist who has a Ph.D. in computational and experimental cancer research from the University of Cambridge. One of the top 10 talented roboticists to follow on Twitter to stay informed.
Joanna Bryson @j2bryson and @j2breve
Bryson developed the action selection model. It explains how an animal or artificially intelligent agent determines what to do next. Action selection is a key mechanism in the design of intelligent systems. Bryson has one Twitter handle for verbose tweeting and another for sparse tweeting about developments she believes are important.
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